Hey Tennis fans! I traveled to New York City with my mom for Labor Day Weekend. It was a quick 3 day weekend girls trip and we had a blast! We might have drank one too many honey deuces but hey, one too many never hurt anyone! lol We only got lost on the subway maybe like 4 times… OHH and by the way, just in case anyone didn’t know this.. but Uber is super expensive in the city now. Which is crazy because two years ago, it wasn’t so expensive! Uber added so many sur charges, and I personally don’t think it’s worth it unless you absolutely have to uber. The subway did just fine for us. I recommend getting a subway map at your hotel, and then using google maps or iphone maps to navigate what train you need to take! It’s confusing at first, but after the 2nd ride the navigation gets a little bit better.
I was really excited to go to the US Open this year, because I am officially an American Express Platinum cardholder! The benefits are great, and if you’re interested I’ll go into detail about all the perks in a separate blog post! Comment below and let me know! Anyways, American Express is a sponsor of the US Open and this year they had a centurion lounge located in the brand new Louis Armstrong Stadium! It was amazing and pretty large, but to be honest… I think the area could have been bigger and the food was scarce! The waitresses couldn’t keep the food on the trays long enough! haha, I honestly think they anticipated a-lot less people to attend their lounge. But all in all, it was a great experience. The Centurion lounge was ONLY for Amex Platinum card holders and every cardholder was only allowed two bring two guests with them. Once we walked into the lounge, we were greeted with the cutest mini bar travel kit, and iphone chargers! It was the coolest thing ever because I was not expecting to receive gifts once inside the lounge. Oh, I also received one free cocktail of choice and of course I ordered the Honey Deuce! The honey deuce is an $18.00 cocktail served at the US Open. It’s the most yummiest drink on this planet!! This year, they also had a frozen version of the cocktail and it was such a hit! Not too mention sooo instagrammable!
