Hello everyone! The other day my boyfriend asked what my cores values are in life and I answered with, “To inspire and help others to the best of my ability with the skills that God has given me.“ He was trying to make me realize why I get so upset with things that he does sometimes… So he said, “If those are your core values then whatever I do should not effect yourself or your mood…”. I was so confused, annoyed and angry as to why he responded with that answer. I couldn’t even believe what I was hearing. So I thought about, and then responded with, “Well that shouldn’t be the case, If we are ever going to get married, then we should be a team! Whatever I do, or you do, should effect both of us! We need to learn how to work together as a team so we can flourish as a Godly couple.”
So moving forward and reflecting on what was said that day, I hope and pray that we continue to love each other and grow as a team to inspire and give joy to those around us.
I’d love to know if anyone else out there on the web ever come across disagreements like this with your significant other? Do you back off and shrug it off, or your do you stand your stance? Also, I’d love to know what your core values are on life! Please share in the comments below, or feel free to email me at [email protected]
Love, Alex!! xoxo