Hey there!! I’m so thrilled that I reached over 1,000 followers on Instagram! I’ve seriously been commenting and liking all the cool post I find appealing on IG. Let me tell ya… it ain’t easy!! I feel like I’m glued to my phone… but at the same it’s fun! I’ve always been the creative type, and I look forward to building my creative empire on the internet while utilizing every tool out there.
So to show my appreciation to all my new followers I’ve decided to share some personal information about myself! Through this blog, I hope to show my real personality to the world and inspire others to take the initiative to make themselves happy. I think a-lot of people just go through the motions of life, when they could be doing so much more!! So thank you all for liking and commenting on my posts it feels so good that others enjoy my content. I hope I’m at least inspiring someone! So here we go!!
I’ve recently changed up my career and now I’m doing consultant work for a commercial printing company developing online portals. My career started at this company, but for reasons/circumstances I’ve decided to just be a consultant helping out and advising others within the company. Lucky for me, I get to do this at home now! Woohoo! It means so much to me that they value my work and knowledge. The printing industry is a whirlwind, filled with tight deadlines, dramatic customers, lots of graphic design and coding… with sales reps not understanding why certain things take so much time to set up…. I swear, I was always getting pushed in different directions and doing everything at once, that one day I was like, why am I doing this? I’m not having fun. Don’t get me wrong; it was a blast in the beginning, I enjoyed learning the system, gaining knowledge, and figuring things out. But one day, it just got to be way to much. So for my well-being I had to do what I had to… and now I have the time to focus on other career goals that I have for myself. I have BIG PLANS…. Like there are so many tabs open in my brain that sometimes I don’t know where to start… does that ever happen to anyone else?
These are my goals for 2019!!
– start a stationery company
– Build my own brand on the web
– Help Hells Half Acre Vodka expand!!! Including distillery 😀 (I seriously can’t wait to share more as the year progresses) —
– Help Balatro Vintage with their online presence.
– Get closer to God and learn/memorize scripture. My parents got me a devotional book for Christmas and immm all about it!
– Blow up on Instagram, I know… superficial but hey why not?? I have a lot going on in my life and I just want to document my life in a creative way.
Sooo if you read through this whole post way to go! Now you know a little bit more about my life. Stay tuned, I feel like my life is just beginning 🙂
Thanks for reading – AO